200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India
Become an Internationally Certified Yoga Teacher in 25 Days
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Our 200-hour Yoga Alliance USA Certified Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher certificate is the important foundation for any yoga teacher. In this course you’ll learn all the skills you need to teach yoga professionally such as you will learn: how to direct, correct, adjust, modify and structure a comprehensive yoga class.
Study at a Special Yoga School with 4th Generations of Yoga Heritage
Why choose Himalayan Holistic Yoga?
Himalayan Holistic Yoga offers internationally recognized yoga courses and training while maintaining the authenticity of the ancient teachings.
Reputed School
12000+ Yoga teachers certified since 2008
Worldwide Accredited
Accredited with Yoga Alliance and many others
Top Ratings
5-star ratings on Facebook, Google, TripAdvisor
Professional school for serious learning
Expert Teacher
12000+ Yoga teachers certified since 2008
Own Ashrams
Accredited with Yoga Alliance and many others
Yoga Retreats In Rishikesh,India
Year | Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2023 | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC |
2024 | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC |
Course Date | Availability | Shared | Single | Payment |
01 Feb to 24 Feb 2023 | Booking Closed | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 March to 24 March 2023 | 9 Seat Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 April to 24 April 2023 | 5 Seat Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 May to 24 May 2023 | 8 Seat Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 June to 24 June 2023 | 10 Seat Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 July to 24 July 2023 | 15 Seat Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 Aug to 24 Aug 2023 | 20 Seat Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 Sep to 24 Sept 2023 | 5 Seat Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 Oct to 24 Oct 2023 | 17 Set Left | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 Nov to 24 Nov 2023 | Booking Open | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 Dec to 24 Dec 2024 | Booking Open | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
01 Jan to 24 Jan 2024 | Booking Open | Shared 1299 USD | Single 1599 USD | Pay Now |
Course Date | Availability | Shared | Single | Payment |
1st March 2023 to 24th March 2023 | Booking Closed | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st April 2023 to 24th April 2023 | Booking Closed | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st May 2023 to 24th May 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st June 2023 to 24th June 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st July 2023 to 24th July 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st August 2023 to 24th August 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st September 2023 to 24th September 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st October 2023 to 24th October 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st November 2023 to 24th November 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st December 2023 to 24th December 2023 | Booking Open | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Pay Now |
1st January 2024 to 24th January 2024 | Booking Open | $ 1550 USD | $ 1950 USD | Pay Now |
Single Room
$1599 $2099
Double Sharing
$1299 $1699
Course Location
Himalayan Holistic Yoga conducts advanced yoga teacher training at its Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh, India. You can easily reach the ashram by taxi from Jolly Grant Airport (Dehradun). The ashram is situated near waterfalls and the holy river Ganges, and provides an ideal setting and facilities to practise yoga and experience the yogic lifestyle.
What are Yoga Teacher Training Courses?
We help you develop awareness, confidence, aand inspiration through our curriculum.
- We help you develop awareness, confidence, and motivation through our curriculum.
- Meditation courses help you sharpen your focus and develop your practice.
- Develop strength, flexibility and discipline.
- Improve your physical, mental and spiritual health by refreshing and clarifying.
- Share your joy with others by strengthening your ability to do so.
- Uses ancient yoga techniques and diet to cleanse your body.
- Through our carefully designed yoga teacher training courses and retreats, we aim to promote and protect ancient yoga.
- Discover, Introspect, and Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection with Shakti
Student's Certification
Look at the impressions of our 200 hour yoga teacher training courses at Himalayan Holistic Yoga.
What Will You Gain
More than 84 Hatha Yoga Asanas and Vinyasa Sequences
In this course, you’ll learn the different alignments, instructions, benefits, and contraindications for all 84+ Hatha Yoga postures. You’ll also learn how to teach these asanas properly as per different body types.
Anatomy And Physiology
You will know how yoga asanas can affect our physical and subtle bodies. A systematic practice of yoga asanas can improve our health, flexibility and functioning of the organs. Advanced principles of human anatomy and physiology prevent injuries during your personal practice or teaching classes.
Yoga Philosophy
You will learn an analytical perspective on topics related to yoga in detail. Topics include important concepts like Prana, Chakra, Karma and Darshana in general. Teachers will do discussions about these topics, so don’t hesitate and subscribe!
Teaching Techniques And Sequencing
You will learn techniques of teaching and the art of instruction. Also, you’ll get at least three hours of teaching practice daily, which will ensure you develop the ability to teach others. You will understand when and how to help a student. And finally, you’ll gain an understanding of indexing principles.
What’s Inside The Course
Our yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is a residential course that lasts for 24-days and provides a comprehensive curriculum. We have developed and refined this curriculum over the past nine years. This four week yoga training covers detailed information about 84+ asanas and their practice, detailed instruction on correction techniques, breathing exercises, vedic philosophy, yogic lifestyle and much more. Hatha Yoga includes six purifying techniques that are specially designed to remove imbalance in three dosas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). This practice is called shatkarma practice.
- More than 84 classic Yoga asanas
- How to make a proper class environment
- Tips of Yoga teaching
- Structure of a Yoga class
- Course structure for beginners
- Elementary yoga asana variations for beginner
- Yoga for pregnant women
- Yoga for kids
- Yoga with gentle and limited movements
- When and how we should modify yoga asanas
- Deep relaxation/Yoga Nidra
- Eight main systems of body
- Spine and common disorders of it
- Differences in between yoga and other physical exercises
- Cures and Injury prevention
- Adjustments, Alignments and modifications
- Yoga as a therapy
- Nutrition and Diet
- What is Ayurveda? Yogic diet, nutrition and lifestyle and its effects on body and mind Body types and suitable diets
- Meaning & Aims of yoga
- Five principles of yoga practice
- Four paths of yoga
- Raja Yoga and its eight limbs
- Seven stages of awareness
- The three gunas – rajas, sattva, tamas
- Prakriti, Maya, Avidya Brahman
- Jiva, Atman, Parmataman,
- The three bodies:- Astral, Physical and spiritual
- The four inner instruments: Mind, Subconscious, Intellect and ego
- Work process of mind
- The psychology of a teacher The psychology of a student Guidance and Correction techniques
- Communication techniques
- Motivation techniques
- Ethical guidelines for a yoga teacher
- How to set up your yoga studio or yoga business?
- How to select a location, promote & advertise and get renewals
- Common mistakes & fallback and how to avoid them
- Sutra Neti (nasal cleaning using a catheter)
- Jal Neti (Nasal cleaning)
- Kapalbhati Kriya
- Agnisara Kriya
- Tratka
- Pranayama is the expansion of the breath. Our teacher training courses teach various breathing techniques, That not only relieve anxiety, stress and fatigue, but also improve concentration, blood circulation and revitalise the body. An important technique for successful meditation is establishing a bridge between body and mind, as the breath is a bridge between body and mind.
- An Introduction to Pranayama
- Koshas
- Four aspects of Pranayama
- Types of Breathing
- Kapalbhati – Cleaning the frontal lobe of the brain
- Six Kumbhakas and Eight Karma
- Surya Bheda Pranayama (A breath that stimulates vitality)
- Ujjayi Pranayama ( Psychic Breath)
- Seetkari Pranayam (Hissing Breath)
- Sheetali Pranayama
- Bhastrika Pranayam (Bellows Breath)
- Bhramari Pranayam
- Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
Syllabus :
Ashtanga Yoga Asana
Surya Namaskar A
Surya Namaskar B
- Padangusthasana
- Pada Hastasana
- Utthita – Trikonasana A & B
- Utthita – Parsvakonasana A & B
- Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & D
- Parsvottanasana
- Utthita – Hasta Padangusthasana
- Ardha – Baddha Padmottanasana
- Utkatasana
- Virabhadra asana I & II
- Danda asana
- Paschimottanasana A, B & C
- Purvottasana
- Ardha – Baddha – Padma Paschimottanasana
- Trianga – Mukha – Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
- Janu Sirsasana A, B &C
- Marichyasana A, B, C &D
- Navasana
- Bhujapidasana
- Kurmasana
- Supta – Kurmasana
- Garbha – Pindasana
- Kukkuta asana
- Baddha Konasana A, B & C
- Upavistha – Konasana
- Supta – Konasana
- Supta – Padangusthasana
- Ubhaya – Padangusthasana
- Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana
- Setu Bandhasana
- Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Sarvangasana
- Hala asana
- Karnapidasana
- Urdvha Padmasana
- Pindasana
- Matsyasana
- Uttana Padmasana
- Sirsasana
- Baddha Padmasana
- Yoga Mudra
- Padmasana
- Utpluthih
- Shavasana
- History of Ayurveda
- Tridosha and Triguna
- 13 fire types of ayurveda
- 13 Srota Types of Ayurveda
- Saptadhatu
- Nadis & Nadi (pulse) Pariksha
The word “haṭha” refers to a system of techniques that include the practice of various traditional asanas, including modifications, contraindications, their benefits and props as well.
Hatha Yoga Syllabus
- Tadasana
- Tiryaka Tadasana
- Vrikshasana
- Utkatasana
- Katichakrasana
- Virabhadrasana I
- Trikonasana
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Virabhadrasana II
- Parsvakonasana
- Virabhadrasana III
- Padahastasana
- Garudasana
- Natrajasana
- Bakasana
- Sukhasana
- Padmasana
- Swastikasana
- Agnistambhasana
- Dandasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Purvottanasana
- Janushirsasana
- Vajrasana
- Mandukasna
- Uttan Mandukasana
- Supta Vajrasana
- Vakrasana
- Gaumukhasana
- Ushtrasana
- Balasana
- Parvatasana
- Simha Garjana Asana
- Marjariasana
- Naukasana
- Saral Bhujangasana
- Bhujangasana
- Viprit Naukasana
- Dhanurasana
- Uttanpadasana
- Sarvangasana
- Viparit karni
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- Pavanmuktasana
- Matsyasana
- Setubandhasana
- Chakrasana
- Shirshasana
- Shavasana
There are many kinds of vinyasa: flowing sequences of movements linking each asana to the next. Vinyasa is a series of linked movements that is performed sequentially.
Meditation Syllabus
- Introduction of Meditation
- Techniques of Meditation
- Breathing Meditation (Stage I,II,III)
- Third Eye (Stage I,II,III)
- AUM Meditation (Stage I,II)
- Sound Meditation
- Trataka Meditation
In meditation, an individual uses various techniques to train attention and awareness inward, so they can achieve mental clarity, emotional stability, and a higher state of consciousness. Meditation Syllabus
- Introduction of Meditation
- Techniques of Meditation
- Breathing Meditation (Stage I,II,III)
- Third Eye (Stage I,II,III)
- AUM Meditation (Stage I,II)
- Sound Meditation
- Trataka Meditation
Our 200-hour yoga teacher training in India has been time-tested since 2013. We guarantee you will gain a complete understanding of yoga, yogic philosophy, and teaching skills, as well as enough practical experience to teach others.
How To Register?
You can easily register by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button below. Once we receive your application, we’ll review it and get back to you within two business days.
To secure a seat for our Yoga Certification courses in India, please apply well in advance.
Our 200 hour yoga teacher training course is a time-tested course in India since 2013. We guarantee that you will gain a thorough understanding of yoga, philosophy of yoga and teaching skills, as well as enough practical experience to teach others.
200 Hour Daily Schedule
5:45 | Shatkarma (Cleansing Activity) |
6:00 | Pranayama |
7:00 | Hatha Yoga Asana |
8:45 | Breakfast |
9:30 | Yoga Anatomy |
11:55 | Adjustment & Alignment |
14:30 | Yoga Philosophy and Ethics |
16:00 | Multi Style Yoga |
18:45 | Meditation |
19:30 | Dinner |
What To Expect During The Course?
During the four weeks of Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course, you will go through different phases.
Week One
In the first week you will get used to studying for 7 hours a day. From the second day you will start teaching. Even if you have never taught before, you will see that you really enjoy it. You will get authentic yoga philosophy classes and feel inspired by philosophical stories. As a result, you’ll develop relationships and friendships with your classmates.
Week Two
By the 2nd week, you will have found your place in ashram life and will undoubtedly see your meditation and asana practice flourish. Even if you find it difficult to keep up during a ‘How To Teach’ class, there is a huge range of other classes available such as Gentle Yoga and Chair Yoga. Plus, you’ll get to grips with asana correction & modification techniques while taught in groups of three. With a gradual assimilation of the concepts of yoga philosophy, you may soon begin to see life through a different lens.
Week Three
In the third week, you will see the most notable growth as a mark of physical and mental growth from the hard work of the previous weeks. You will be amazed by your growing understanding of yoga postures and anatomy, along with your growing teaching expertise. The enormity of experiences can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed at times; However, living in a comfortable, friendly community without the stress of preparing meals and washing dishes would be incredibly calming. Chances are you’ll feel pain for your family and friends, who will be wanting to reconnect soon.
Week Four
In the fourth week, you will be busy completing the examinations. You may have mixed feelings about completing this course; Reuniting with your loved one, getting back to your normal way of life and being apart of your new yoga community. In the rest of the days, you will have a stunning sense of accomplishment, assurance in yourself and emotions that cannot be articulated. These gratifying experiences will definitely bring joy and satisfaction.
Our Spiritual Yoga Gurus
Our Lead Teacher
Our Accreditations
In addition to providing support for yoga schools around the world, Yoga Alliance also provides support to students and teachers who wish to teach yoga. Yoga Alliance’s directory lists over 25000 yoga teachers and schools that meet globally recognized standards for training.
The Yoga Alliance recognizes the Himalayan Holistic Yoga. RYS issues a Certificate of Completion to all yoga teachers who have completed a specific yoga teacher training course, such as a 200 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, or 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. The RYT-200, RYT-300 or RYT-500 certification makes them qualified to become a yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance.
Your RYT 200 certification serves as an international recognition of your knowledge, experience and training, giving people confidence that you meet the Alliance’s standards.
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Himalayan Holistic Yoga Is Giving Back!
Girls Education and Hunger is a charity that helps underprivileged girls in developing countries gain access to education and food. We believe every girl deserves the opportunity to reach her full potential, and our goal is to help as many girls as possible get the education and nutrition they need.